Wednesday 28 November 2012

Some Girls essay- Discuss the ways in which the extract uses camera shots, editing, sound, mise-en-scene to construct the representation of gender.

Discuss the ways in which the extract uses camera shots, editing, sound, mise-en-scene to construct the representation of gender.
In the scene from 'Some Girls', we see many different types of sterotypes of gender and this is done through the use of camera shots, editing, sound and mise-en-scene. Overall females are represented as mature and more able but males are seen as immature.
Males are firstly represented as childish, this is done using mise-en-scene when Viva walks into her house after school and asks her father whether he has prepared her any snacks and he seems to ignore her as he is playing a video game. This is suggesting that he is irresponsible as he is a grown adult who even has children, but is playing video games. This is also a role reversal as Viva seems to be the mature one who has been at school all day taking responsibility for her life whereas her dad seems to have been at home all day doing nothing but playing video games.
Camera shots also contribute to how gender is represented in this clip from 'Some Girls'. For example, when the girls are in PE, their PE teacher is a female but is portrayed as a very strong dominant type, which is the usual stereotype for a male. This is shown through camera angles as when the PE teacher punishes Viva for answering back, she asks her to do press ups, and then the camera only shows her face when she demonstrates. Press ups are usually stereotyped for males and as the camera shot is a close up, she looks more of a male than a female as you can't see her body just her face.
Gender is also represented when Viva finds out that her dad is having a baby with his new girlfriend, which is also her PE teacher. She seems to be mortified when she finds out but is acting very grown up about it, this is shown through the camera angle that is close to her face showing her facial expressions. There is also a what seems role reversal when she is telling her 'step mum' to get rid of the baby which is what you'd expect from a mother to a daughter but this is the other way around. When Viva's dad and his girlfriend start explaining themselves to Viva, the girlfriend says that the baby was planned but he seems to be unaware that it was. This goes back to the stereotypical male and female views where the female is meant to be portrayed as someone who is meant to look after children and produce them and the male isn't meant to be too bothered or aware, as we can see in this clip. Shortly after this, the girlfriend says she has a 'to do' list and Viva's dad laughs at her and tries to make a joke out of it, this shows another representation of gender as females are seen to be more organised than males stereotypically.


  1. Some clear points made, backed up by relevant evidence from the clip. Aim to find more than one piece of evidence eg. when describing how Viva and her dad are represented, you consider mise-en-scene, could you also consider shot types, camera movement and character positioning, styling and costume, for example? This will add detail and analysis. Also pay attention to vocabulary used: aim to use words such as 'represented', 'constructed', 'created' rather than 'done', for example. Pay attention to structure. Ensure your essay has an introduction and a conclusion.

  2. Please upload your essay on 'The Fear' asap!
