In this
essay, I will be looking at how camera shots, editing, sound mise-en-scene is
used to construct relationships. Through the use of these, the viewer has a
bigger understanding to their relationship and throughout this essay I will be
showing how it constructs the relationships.
Camera shots
play a big part in the construction of relationship in the clip from Cutting
It. We learn a lot about the relationship of the two characters in a very short
clip. For example, when they are both in the taxi, a lot of the camera shots
are close up which reveals a lot about the characters as they are making a lot
of eye contact and a close to eachother, we can clearly see they are more than
acquaintances and instantly see they are very fond of eachother due to their
body language in the shot types which were used. In one of the camera shots,
Gavin plays with his wedding ring whilst he is waiting for his new wife Allie
to leave her doctors appointment. His facial expression is doubtful in this
camera shot and it shows a lack of trust in the relationship between them. It
also makes us question their past relationship and what would have happened
before for them not to trust eachother. It also shows a sort of lack of
commitment in their relationship as Gavin begins to doubt their marriage as his
new wife Allie is at a very serious doctors appointment which looks like its following
on from many other previous doctor appointments.
There hasn’t
been a lot of editing used in this seen, but when Allie is sitting in the
doctors room, the camera shot is at a birds eye view which foreshadows her
death because when she gets hit by the vehicle and is laying on the floor, the
camera shot is a bird eye view. When Allie is laying on the floor dying with
Gavin besides her, the camera fades to black which is insinuating that Allie’s
death is like Gavin’s world ending and almost as if he can’t see himself in the
future, which represents their relationship as strong and as if they are soul
Sound has
been used to contrast the representation of relationships. For example, when
Allie is sitting in the doctors room, non diegetic sound has been used not only
for the viewers tension to build up from not knowing what’s going to happen but
to show the lack of trust in Allie and Gavin’s relationship. Its also
suggesting that the viewer knows as much as Allie’s own husband knows about her
health which isn’t suggesting that they have a strong relationship if they
can’t even trust eachother with how they will react knowing their health
status. Sound also represents relationship in a strong bond way when Allie gets
hit by the vehicle and Gavin sees her. When Gavin realises what has happened,
the viewer only hears a loud heartbeat and then when he runs to see her the
heartbeat stops and we hear the background noise (cars beeping). This suggests
that the bond they have in their relationship is what seems unbreakable and
invincible because Gavin can only see Allie when she gets hit and it almost
sounds like his heart is at risk if Allie dies.
also represents relationships. When Allie and Gavin have their hands on
eachother we can see their wedding rings, this shows that they must love and
trust eachother to some extent if they have gotten married to eachother.
Careful with spelling of key words eg. scene (not 'seen'). Develop all points in equal detail, eg. you analyse camera shots and sound in some detail, but skim over mise-en-scene and editing. Continue to develop your analysis in as much depth as possible, considering as many possible interpretations / meanings and showing how they are constructed by the director's choice of technical codes. You're on the right track!
ReplyDeleteYou must refer to specific shot types, eg. close up, extreme close up, mid shot, when discussing what the viewer sees. You should also consider camera angles and movement, as well as shot selection, in more detail.
ReplyDeleteWhere is your 'Some Girls' essay?