1. over one weekend, how many separate screenings are there? 79
2. how many films in total are being exhibited? 13
3. how many films are being screened serval times at the same cinema? 8
4. of these, how many are being screened at more than one cinema at the same time? 3
7. what conclusions can you draw about film distribution in the UK? I have learned from this homework that cinemas usually tend to make sure that the cinema times of when a film is playing don't clash (and they rarely do), I didn't know this before but this is probably due to cinemas wanting as much customers as they can get at different types of the day without having much competition and different times are available at different cinemas to suit a person best. I've also learnt that the majority of films get shown more than once a day.
Can you give more detail about how many cinemas this research represents and which cinemas they are? eg. central London, out of town? Did you notice a higher percentage of 'blockbuster' films being shown more than once, or at certain times?