Thursday 27 September 2012

Uses and Grafications theory

Types of conflint in TV crime drama

I've never really given any thought into the types of conflict that occurs in TV crime drama, but last week we learnt about many different types of conflicts that can occur in TV crime drama such has:
criminal vs victim
criminal vs partner/family
criminal vs police
criminal vs detective
criminal vs law (courts)
detective vs suspects
detective vs criminal
detective vs police
detective vs lawyer
detective vs partner/family

I think that it's really important that many different types of conflicts are used because if only one conflict was used the TV crime drama wouldn't really make much sense and would be very boring and repetitive for the viewer.

Different shot types

EWS (extreme wide shot)- the view is so far from the subject so that the person isn't even visable. Example below:

This type of shot would be used for establishing the setting (mainly at the begging of a programme or a film)

There are also many other important shot types such as VWS (very wide shot), the subject is barely visable.

Shots types: what are they and why do we need them?

2 weeks ago, before I started Media Studies, I did not in any way consider shot types when I was looking through magazines or watching films. As the Media Studies lessons progressed, I learnt that shot types are really important in how a television/film is presented. There are many different shot types such as; Close Up, Point-of-view Shot, Wide Shot and Weather Shot. A shot such a weather shot is important because if a news reporter is reporting on a serious weather case somewhere such as a hurricane, it'll be important that there is a weather shot so that the viewers are able to see what is going on and to see the situation for themselves.
We watched a clip of an EastEnders episode, and saw that shot types are used to show different power levels, for example at the start of the clip, the camera was shown from an above angle making Ray look small and powerless (click below to see clip) - clip can be seen at 6 minutes 45 seconds
EastEnders clip